The basket of treasure in daycare
experiences and reflections
Basket of treasures, daycare, explorations, quality and well-beingAbstract
Assuming a view of the child from 0 to 3 years of age as an active, competent and capable child, the proposal of the basket of treasures (BT) is experienced and problematized in the context of a daycare center. Based on a qualitive methodology, five BT sessions were implemented, with the collected data recorded through videos and field notes. An exploration of two children aged 12 and 18 months respectively with unstructured objects focused on actions such as grabbing, hitting, dropping, moving and/or putting them in their mouth. These results support what have been proven by psychology and child development authors, that children learn by observing, working on, imitating, posing hypotheses and proving or refuting them. By fostering children’s spontaneous actions and respecting their ability to act and make decisions about what concerns them, the presented results contribute to viewing the daily life of daycare as a space that enhances children’s autonomy and development. It highlights the importance of pedagogical time with its own identity, which is (re)constructed through observation, listening, and interactions with others (objects, peers, adults/educators), and has an impact on the desired quality and well‑being.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rita Leal, Diana Simões
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