Editorial Status

The priority objectives of the Aprender journal are: (i) the publication of scientific and research work, with a view to the circulation of scientific knowledge and the debate of ideas on educational and training, social and cultural realities, in the fields of training, research and intervention; (ii) encouraging the production and dissemination of scientific research work and areas of intervention in the various fields of activity of the Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais of the Portalegre Polytechnic University; (iii) the possibility of creating scientific and training exchanges between teachers and other professionals in the region, nationally and internationally; (iv) the creation of a publication space for teachers, researchers and students.

General lines of publication:
The Aprender journal publishes scientific work in the field of Education and Social Sciences, with the following main lines of activity:

  • Education (basic, secondary, and higher education; social education, education for...);
  • Professional training (basic, secondary and higher education; social education; social work; journalism and communication; tourism);
  • Multidisciplinary issues.

All proposals in the format of Article (systematic review of literature/state of the art or research work) and Report of experiences (dissemination of experiences and innovative educational/training or intervention projects) are subject to peer review. Proposals of the book or thesis review type, with a dissemination nature, are not subject to the peer review process.
The double-blind peer review process is carried out by at least two specialists from the journal's Scientific Committee or other specialists in the thematic area of the proposal, and the following situations can arise from it:

  • the article is approved by two reviewers without any proposed changes;
  • the article is approved by two reviewers, but changes are proposed to which the authors must respond positively. Otherwise, the article will not be published;
  • the article that is approved by one reviewer and not approved by another will be subject to a new review by a third specialist;
  • the article will not be published if it is not approved by two reviewers.

On the basis of the peer review, the editorial team makes the decision to publish or not to publish, and the authors are notified of the decision. The authors must send the complete document for publication via the journal's platform, including information on authorship (name(s), institutional affiliation, Orcid ID and email address).

Publication management is the responsibility of the journal's management, with the reference that more than 50 per cent of the articles published in each issue must be by authors from outside the institution that owns the journal. All approved articles are published in the current issue, taking into account the periodicity of the journal (two issues per year), the central theme or ongoing submissions.