Where do the children play?
Spaces for/and children's participation in the outdoors
outdoor play, children's participation, spaces for playAbstract
This article presents the outline of an investigation that seeks to understand how children participate through outdoor play. Here we focus on the connection between participation and space. The study has its theoretical matrix in the Sociology of Childhood, with an emphasis on issues relating to children's participation. Our path is traced in the discussion about participation and action, based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (ONU, 1989), however seeking to go further. We used the ethnographic-inspired case study methodology, and the participants were children from a kindergarten with pedagogical practices that favor outdoor play. Data generation instruments included participant observation and field notes. We also highlight the use of visual methodologies, mainly through photographs. Based on the results, we discuss here how children's participation is revealed through decisions and choices, expressed through action and physical movement, especially in informal moments. Here we focus on children's choices regarding the spaces in which they play, analyzing differences in level and hiding places.
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