Call for Papers | Aprender n.º 49. Central issue: Life, Heritage and Territorialities


The unifying theme of no 49 of Aprender, Vida, Património e Territorialidades (Life, Heritage and Territorialities), aims at being a challenge for those who work in Social and Human Sciences to share their reflections, research, case studies, essays or reviews with the magazine's community of readers.

The territory is a canvas, where a multiplicity of angles and perspectives on the most diverse contents intersect. People's ways of life, their culture, heritage, material or immaterial, the natural spaces, and the transformations caused by the various human activities that occur within it, are research areas for many academics and professionals from a wide range of areas.

In this issue, we want the multiplicity of approaches to “lives”, “heritages” and the various “territorialities” to allow an exchange of standpoints and reflections on the ways of facing and resolving conflicts, and to enrich both those who participate and the ones who read your contributions.

The objective we wish to achieve is to provide a debate of ideas, so that readers and researchers can value and deepen points of view and approaches, which will be reflected in the way we live and respect the culture and heritage of the territories we live in. 

Coordination of the central theme: Miguel Castro e Fátima Velez de Castro


Articles submission: until 30 January 2025 

Peer review: until 20 February 2025

Authors notified of peer review results: by 15 March 2025

Final submission of accepted articles: by 30 March 2025

Publication: June 2025

All submissions must follow the instructions for authors available at: